Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Not a word...

from Glenn Beck about the Pennsylvania 12th district.  Unless I missed it.  Instead he's reading the text of Arizona's anti-immigration bill.  I'm not sure that's going to be a ratings winner.  I suspect the text reading is a back-up plan; I'm sure he'd rather be crowing about the Republican capture of the late (corrupt) John Murtha's seat.  But things didn't work out that way...

still, it might force Limbaugh to work a little harder.  The portion of his program I heard yesterday was an almost word for word rip-off of Beck's program from two days ago.  Rush may have ratings envy.  Rush did go off the Beck script when the headline came across the wire that Germany had banned naked short selling; he immediately started screaming about European Socialists strangling efficient capital markets with their claw fingered regulations, and then attempted to explain to his listeners precisely what was meant by "naked short selling"...

only to stumble to a halt when he realized he had no idea what it meant.  After a quick commercial, he came back on with an accurate explanation of what it meant, kind of half-conceded that maybe this wasn't a catastrophe after all, and quickly got back on script.

The "conventional wisdom" has been that the country is experiencing an anti-Obama backlash.  The supporting evidence has been poorly attended tea-bagger rallies and Scott Brown's win in Massachusetts, combined with polling data gleaned from a population so disinterested that the views they "express" to a pollster will change with the first contradictory nudge....


Beck has apparently written a novel, about a 100 year old plot to destroy America.  I wonder where he got the idea?


any discussion of the "mood" of the country can be dismissed.  The country has no mood, except for economic anxiety.  We can safely dismiss any polling data involving the fall elections until September, at the earliest.  Apocalyptic claims about Republicans retaking the House may indeed turn out to be accurate, but they are equally likely to prove wrong.  The determining factor in the fall elections is going to be the health of the economy, with secondary factors like money, organization and local issues explaining the rest of the result.

The only conclusion that can be drawn from last night's results is that it might not have been a good idea for the RCCC to drop a million bucks on the PA 12th, where there's a 2 to 1 registration advantage for the Democrats.  And even that conclusion is tentative...

the same candidates are going to face off in the fall.

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